
Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Wedding...

Maxwell: "Mom, I need a photographer."
(I'm still in bed) Shelbi: "You need a photographer?"
Maxwell:" I'm having a wedding, can you take my wedding pictures?"
Maxwell: "MOM, I'm having a wedding, it's right now, everyone is there..."
Shelbi: Right now? I better hurry, ... Who's getting married?"
(Of course my 'what are you thinking jump up your child needs a photographer' energy kicks in and I jump out of bed and Grab my camera.)

Maxwell: "Oh there's alot of 'em getting married"
Here's the details waiting for me :

These were just a few of those to be getting married. Can't you tell...
I'm not sure who is marrying who, but anyone who gets Jingle Bells (the penguin) is a lucky girl!
And the wonderful cake, which sings the wedding march!
Just one of the lucky Brides :)

He kept adding to the pile, early morning weddings can get a little flustered, it seemed that many of them forgot that they were getting married and he had to go round them up :)

Now he may have planned a wedding, but he's still a boy, not so much in on the details.
Cake, friends and family... thats all they needed.


  1. I LOVE this. So cute. What a good mommy to get out of bed and do this for him.

  2. You are such a good mommy! I love hearing about your life!! I am proud to be a part of it! You have taught me a lot in the last 29 years as well!! Hears to the next 30+!!Love your Mommy
    PS Maxwell should come in a bottle that i can take every day to start my day! Then every day would be happy!!!
