
Sunday, October 10, 2010

The next 30 years...

This year is not so much bitter sweet, as I embark on my journey to my 30's. This is my last year in my 20's ;) I'm 29. You know I'm now in my 30th year...having lived 29 years.
I'm actually not afraid of being 30 at all... I'm really quite looking forward to telling people I'm 30, so I can see their face. I get asked how old I am or get looks with all three boys rather often. I Have recently been asked if I was over 18. So not even being in my 20's... it will be fun to tell people that not only am I over 18... I'm in my 30's... It's a good thing.
Hear are some things I've learned this past year that have helped me be a better person:

Love more unconditionally
Forgive as soon as possible

MAKE time for the important people

Remember the Savior more

Take a walk in someone else’s shoes

I don't expect people to know everything about me,
I not going to assume I know everything about them.

Give people the benefit of the doubt.

Things don't make you HAPPY. (Beautiful things do... j/k(well kind of ))

I Read the scriptures out's like they're speaking to me.

I bring the rain- to what ever vacation I go on!!

I was going to list people that have been a huge influence over me for these past 30 years, but I wouldn’t want to leave anyone off, but If you think you would have been on here then you probably were. So Thank You.
Since the list would be to long to list of all the things that my parents have taught me I’ll limit it to the top 5 things that come to mind first:

Support your family in all they do! ♥ Put things back where they came from. ♥ Have fun! ♥ Keep smiling even when things aren’t great. ♥ Make things big… go all the way!
Dad: Work Hard ♥ Study the scriptures ♥ Forgive others ♥ Be Generous ♥ Don’t take to others too seriously ♥ You won’t die of too much salt... well at least not before your time!

Mom M: Work Hard ♥ Be Organized ♥ Plan ahead ♥ Print mailing labels ahead of time… it’s ok to be a little OCD ♥ Make memories.

Dad M: Be wise. ♥ Share your testimony. ♥ Always be working on something that will make you better. ♥ Show people often how much they mean to you. ♥ Use your money wisely.

There’s nothing that I could say about
Bryant that he doesn’t already know. I tell him often how much he means to me. I love him. I can’t believe that he puts up with all my shinanagahans and loves(or seems to) love every minute… If I were him I’d be going nuts. I do change my mind at a moments notice and am the only one who is allowed to do this. I am emotional, sentimental, and extremely hard on myself. He’s always there to give me perspective. And that’s one of the greatest blessings he brings into my life. I'm thankful there was a good man like Bryant out there! Just hope he wasn't the last one. I hope my son's can learn from him.

As I look back on the last 30 years I have little regrets, I could count them on 1 hand. But more than that,
The Lord has made more of my life than I ever dreamed. I hoped that he would have something great in store for me, and so with all my Faith and Hope I went forward. I have found that he has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams. I give thanks openly to the Lord here for the world to see, but in all I do. I am still human and often error, but I hope to praise the Lord in all my actions, I hope to be someone he can use to now bless the lives of others, strangers and friends.

My goals for the next 30 years:

Travel: Visit the Holy Land’s stand where He stood, Knee where he knelt, and feel the spirit of the Savior of the World in the Holy Tomb.
Visit the Place where the Prophet Joseph Smith Saw God the Father and Jesus Christ.

Become: More Reflective, More committed, more holy, more thoughtful, Slow to anger, Slow to take offense.

Learn: to put things back when I’m done with them. How to keep my house clean(I’m glad I’m giving myself 30 years), More about the Scriptures, How to keep perspective. Go back to school for to be Psychologist.

Well This last 30 years has been pretty good to me. I would be half of who I am with out my knowledge of the Love and Plan of my savior Jesus Christ.

So to the next 30 years… here we go… but please don’t go by as quickly as the last 30…I don’t want to be THAT OLD!!

To celebrate our turning "30" > Bryant last year and me next year we are taking a full week off... and going to Mexico. Just the 2 of us...all inclusive Paradise!


  1. Very Inspirational Shelbi:) Happy Birthday:)

  2. Love this post Shelbs. You have had a great 30 years but the best is still before you as you raise your family an continue to grow and learn. It never ends. That's part of the beauty of the plan of salvation. Thanks for being my friend. I need people like you (and posts like this) to help remind me of the beauty of life.

  3. What a thoughtful and sweet post. You have always been wise beyond your years!! No fair that you get to look so young too:) Thanks for sharing!!!

  4. I like your perspective, and it's fun to read your thoughts. Thanks for paving the way to 30--i'm a year behind you, but not always as optimistic. :)

  5. *smiling*
    I think 30 was my favorite birthday. It seems like you can just breathe better and start focusing on things. I love the 30 year forecast. I hope you do it all and much much more!

  6. Happy Happy Belated Birthday Shelbi! Just wanted to let you know I've been thinking about're AMAZING!
