
Monday, April 30, 2012

Cody's Lego Experiment with Inertia

Cody and I started our project for the science fair about 3 weeks ago.
We were making sugar crystals, we looked at how crystals were formed and saw some amazing pictures.
Cody was very interested and it was something I thought would be fun to watch over time.
It was a total fail, so with 5 days left, cody and daddy set out to do another project in time for the Science fair.
Cody built 3 identical cars with different size flywheels and tested the distances of each.
And compared how the flywheel(add mass) effected the distance :)

He did a great job.
Typed and cut and glued and waaaa laaa.
Cody's Lego Experiment with Inertia :)