
Monday, August 04, 2014

Happy Valley a new start!

WOW... the last year is kind of a blur... since our last post we have moved, TWICE! sucessfully completed a whole year of Homeschooling with the K-12 online charter school program some debate that it's not "real Homeschooling" But I absolutely LOVED it! The curriculum was great and the boys grew so much! They use testing still so we were able to measure their skills and both of them started above average and ended above average, which apparently is uncommon.

The boys are at the LOVE of Learning phase in life and are sponges for oppertunities to learn new things. From ancient Troy or the works of Van Gogh to a new math trick, they love learning!
They are all excited (8 on a 1-10 scale)... to start their new adventure today. It isn't with out reservations though. We all wanted to do homeschooling again this year, but something about it was left undecided in my mind. I never felt that I ever received an answer when I prayed about what they should do. I wish I could say that I felt really strongly about sending them to school, or that of all the schools I felt this was the best, or that I knew that I wasn't supposed to home-school or that I defiantly should keep them home...but that wasn't the case at all. I just felt undecided. So we felt being in a new area with the options of so many interesting charter schools we would research that, they nurtured a lot of the same values and educational objectives that I am passionate about and after an intensive look I choose this one :)
Happy Valley :) A patriotic school that supports Reading, hard work, family time, and historical and classic literature, and little homework so that when they are home, their home!. So here we go... without further ado:

The cutest little Kindergartener on the planet :)
Bentley Could not seee outside it was so sunny :)

Maxwell 2nd Grade

Cody 6th Grade


 I think I'm going to be ok... I had only cried twice by this point and only got watery eyes twice at the school.

Bridger just assumed that this was his seat :)
Bentley was so excited but also paralyzed with anxiety also. He could hardly talk, but went in and very slowly found his desk and put his name tag on.

I've had all the boys at home for the last year, before that I had Bridger as a baby, Bentley in Tuesday/Thursday preschool 9:45-11:30 and Maxwell in half day Kindergarten, Cody was in 4th.
Now the 3 older boys will be gone from 8-3 everyday (full time kindergarten) even though this naturally means more me-time, time to work on projects, I am still not that mom that is so glad that school has started. I love every minute of these little stinkers.  I think the time away can benefit us and I have a new perspective on learning and teaching and growth opportunities.  I have goals of how to improve family time and learning at home. I am going to make the moments that we do have together be some of the best!

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