Friday, September 14, 2007

Cody has been having alot of fun with his frog Check it out. We catch bugs and feed them all the time. He has yet to name either one of them. Any suggestions for name?

Frog #1 the biggest of the 2 and the one who steals all the food!

The Smallest of the frogs is frog #2, he mostly stays in this little rock cave and dosen't get much food.


Kaela said...

What perfect pets! I love Frogs. Cute video!! 12-3 minutes, huh:) As far as names go... kids always come up with the best names. I wish Kaden were old enough- I would ask him. Let us know what names you decide on...

Gramy Lynda said...

I am so glad you have some pets. You will be a great pet owner.
names for frogs
Not knowing what they look like I will take a stab at some names.

1 Iggy
2 Kermit
3 Lumpy
4 Leaping Lucy ( If its a girl)
5 Prince
6 Einstien
8 Polly & Wog
9 Tigger & Piglet
10 Cookies & Cream
11 Grumpy & Happy
12 LOu & Lilly

Hope these can help.
I love you all!