
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Labor Day Hike...

For labor day we had big plans to go and do something as a family but we hadn't hung out with our friends as families for a long time and to me labor day sounds like good friends getting together for fun and food and so thats what we did!! We went up near Mt. rainer and Went hiking, it was easy but we weren't prepared for much more so that was good.
Cody: "My favorite part of going hiking was seeing Maxwell laugh at me talking about animals."
Cody wanted to add his two cents to the blog so there ya go^.
We went along with Clark & Natalie and William.
Jenna and Dan, Katie & Jonathan and Riley.


  1. I love Mt. Raineer! I miss the Northwest:(

  2. I think you must be the cutest girl in all the world! And for sur ethe most creative! Like Ive said all your life. . . IS therer anything youi can't do???!!
    ok yes Im your mom
