
Tuesday, September 11, 2007


This is so cool. I got the "Time out for couples" and "Time out for Women & Girls" flier in the mail and was checking it out...after my recent experiance with "how to change my husband" I thought to myself if Merrilee (yea, we are now on a first name basis) is speaking then I'll go... Checked it out and... She was speaking! Then...I see that Douglas Brinley is also speaking. He wrote "Living a Covenant Marriage" >>>

"President Hinckley has taught us that a happy marriage in not so much a matter of romance as it is an anxious concern for the comfort and welfare of our spouse. Following that profound statement would eliminate selfishness and pride, the twin plagues that are so destructive to a marriage relationship." Doug Brinley will help you see a few things you can do to bless & protect your most important relationship.( Just a little intro for him from the time out for couples Flier)
This is the last book that I got and have throughly loved reading it when ever I get the chance... I have learned alot through these two works and I am totaly looking forward to the "Time out for couples." And will try and make it to time out for women & girls also... Here's the details for anyone who's in this area who might be interested.

Nov 9, 07 TOFC-
Nov 10, 07 TOFW& girls-

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