
Friday, October 12, 2007


Ok So lastnight I walk into the house pretty late. (in from the garage) and it feels like I stepped on a soggy cracker or something that Maxwell may have left laying around...YUCK! I hate that feeling! Then all of the sudden it's gone...what have I stepped in?

I was wrong all was something that had stepped on me! And it was the smallest of the little froggies! Somehow he had gotten out. It didn't look like anything had even happened to the frog habitat...It's still a mystery how he exactly got out! But it won't happen again! No we didn't get rid of it but we did put a book on the top of the lid :) By the way as I chased the little froggie he started to climb the we are thinking that thats how he got from Upstairs in the bathroom where the frog habitat is to the down stairs. AHHHHHHHHH
And Cody wanted to get the cute little green snake at the pet store the other day.....yea RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What timing that little frog has! Wouldn't it have been sad if you had never found it. Did you ever come up with names for those little froggies?
