
Thursday, November 22, 2007

20 Things to be Thankful for

Kaela did this tag and challenged all her readers to do it as well.

I would like to extend that invitation to any onlookers and take a moment to list "20 things I am thankful for. "

What a great thing to do... and a perfect month to do it in.

I'm thankful for:

  1. Life and the knowledge that there is a God that brought us here.

  2. Jesus Christ and the Gospel that he has given the world.

  3. Bryant For the example he is to me and the support in all I do!

  4. Prayer and the Knowledge that God hears our prayers and that I can receive revelation for myself and my family regarding His will.

  5. My Children

  6. Temporal luxuries, cars, my beautiful home, clothes, resturants, toys, the computer, know the temporal stuff.

  7. Color and light

  8. Faces and our abilities to smile and lift each other with out words.

  9. A modern prophet to lead and guide the world, currently Pres. Gordon B Hinckley.

  10. Photos, and the beautiful art that comes from the people and world around us.

  11. Teachers

  12. Washing machines, dishwashers and airplanes! They make life ALOT easier!

  13. TIME

  14. the United States of America

  15. Hair

  16. FAMILY units. Parents and in-laws siblings and cousins!! Families are amazing!

  17. BYU-Idaho ( Education)

  18. Food! USDA, Farmers, Dairies(kind of random but we get milk delivered weekly and it's amazing!)

  19. The internet!

  20. my physical body...walking, typing, seeing,.... man we are AMAZING!


  1. Thanks for this post! It is great to read what people are thankful for- makes me thankful too all over again (x20) :) I LOVE your new header and background- WAY TO GO!!

  2. I think you really squeezed a lot more than 20 things into your list. It's sobering to realize the abundance we have -- that there are so many wonderful blessings in our lives.
