
Tuesday, February 05, 2008

...And I've had the time of my Liiiiiffffe...and I've never felt this way before....

ok so it wasn't realy like that...but it was very fun...hey baby... sorry I'm just in the "mood"

Bryant and I just started ballroom dancing... it was so fun. The studio is super nice the people there are great we actually meet I think every dancer there. It's like one big family with the instructors. Bryant and I found that we do NOT have 2 left feet but we have a little work to do and alot to learn. Bryant took me around the floor in some simple dances tonight we had the intro cha cha, but did some other simple waltz's,tango, and salsa. We saw some great numbers preformed by students and instructors, it was really great!! We go back next week! We went with the Deslers some friends from our ward. We are SO glad that we didn't have to just walk in on our own, they made it so great!!

I'll post more of our dirty dancing escapades as they come...:) Cha Cha!!


  1. Shelbi,I know you will have fun practicing! LOve ya

  2. Justin got dance lessons for us to do once for my birthday but we never ended up using them so I'm jelous you got to do that. that sounds like so much fun! Maybe I can convince Justin into taking me sometime soon. It's not really his thing, but i think he would do it. We miss you guys. you're boys are adorable!

  3. How fun!! Scott and I want to take Salsa dancing lessons this summer.
    Are you still loving it?

  4. had I not watched "dirty dancin" on Saturday, I wouldn't have known what you were talking about....come to think of it...I am envious of your dance lessons..that sounds like a lot of fun!

