Monday, February 04, 2008

Victoria BC Canada -- Vacation

I've been home for about a week now.

The view that you see here is a fraction of the view that we had when we visited Victoria BC Canada. It was so fun we loved every minute of it... As I do with most things that I do with my family. We were in the top suite overlooking the Harbor. We watched the seaplanes take off and land and the police search and resuce teams practice out in the harbor with there huge raft boats and every one of them in scuba gear. ( near 100+) as we walked along the docks we even had harbor seals sneak up on us as we walked past the place where they normaly get feed. It scared me to death as I was NOT expecting it. I don't think that Cody could believe his eyes for the first few seconds and maxwell was pointing and squealing as usuall at any sign of excitement.

We walked somewhat but it was SOOO COLD. We mostly did exactly what we went there for...nothing. We spent time just as a family no phones, limited internet, no responsibilities of anything and enjoyed every minute of it. We had a 4 Man (5-6 if you break the rules) Hot tub to ourselves. and We took advantage of that each day and night we were there. Which was extreamly nice at bed time, when usualy we are confined to a hotel couch and limited cable we were able to go out and get in the hot tub and enjoy the beautiful views all around us, and warmed up to watch movies which we were prepared with and brought from home...we even brought our own DVD player which has TV so great.

One of the cool things that we did venture out to see were some castles. So if I could go back in time ( and be loaded) I would love to live in a castle and where Emma dresses and sit out on the lawn and work on my needle point or paint my beautiful paintings (I wouldn't know about photoshop or Digital photos so I think I would be content). (read: "EMMA" here I just got that from jenna to watch this week :) ) They were great!

Thanks to bryant for the surprise getaway It was so extreamly needed and I enjoyed...throughly enjoyed every minute of it!!

Yes the kids did come with us but they HONESTLY went to bed every night at 6:30 or 7PM it was dark early and they didn't get afternoon naps so they were ...ready for bed! It's so nice to have a semi-self suficiant 4 year old who wakes up...and quitely tries to go adn watch cartoon all by himself :)


Lindsey said...

How fun!! We are so jealous of the hot tub that you got to enjoy! Chads family has one which he dearly misses!! They are so relaxing! I'm so glad that you were able to escape for a little while!

Ali said...

I love Victoria...It's such a unique and beautiful place, but not SO different than the U.S. that it scares me. Another place I want to revisit SOON(er- now that you mention it!) How fun! Hey, email me at so I can send you a blog invite-- I feel selfish checking yours all the time.

Kaela said...

What a fun trip!! And Bryant surprised you with it?! Double the fun!!! I am SURE you deserved it and then some. Glad you were able to enjoy it as a family:)