Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Maxwell goes to the barber :)

I can't believe that it took this long to give Little Max his first hair cut.
His hair is so long and has parts that are longer than others.
But his little hair cut eased my fears in many ways he was ....still, obedient, cooperative and it turned out so well. He is so cute and I love his little even more.
It's amazing how much better he looks with a hair cut. Check out his face wearing the cape...Which he worn the whole hair cut!



Maxwell's Little face is covered with the remains of a "kiss" it was the only treat that I had in the house and it was just foreign enough that he was very distracted by it. His cute little smile speaks for it's self. He is a true Joy!


Taryn said...

look at that little smile!! ha ha.

you change your header like every day. you must be a busy little thing.

Amanda said...

I love his little face! So precious.

Gramy Lynda said...

Just when we think he cant get any cuter "bang" he does! everyday!
Firsts are alway fun!(sometimes it takes time to realize that) I can see why you are" lovin every minute of it"
Love ya Bunches!!

Kaela said...

Aww, his smile melts me!! What a sweetheart! I am going to have to try to come up with something foreign for Kaden to eat for his next cut- great idea!! Lately I have been taking snips here and there from his mane while he sleeps. Hopefully I don't have to keep that up his whole life:) Haha! Cute do!!

Momma K said...

I just found your blog through Facebook! I can't believe Maxwell is already over a year old! How cool. Your family looks beautiful, and I enjoyed looking at all your wonderful pictures on your website! - Karli

Jenna said...

that smile is a crack up!!

Ethatch said...

What a cutie--did you do the cut Shelbi? You have always been so good at hair--so I suspect you are with your boys too. What a cute mom you are and cute family you have.
Marge Thatcher

Alexander said...

Your kids are getting so big. It's great you can cut their hair, especially because your boys have so much hair. I wish you were closer, I would love to hang out with you.