
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Maxwell Signing

This is a funny video... He realy is just looking at the camera and not realy signing at all. But he looks like a cutie doing it. He ends up saying a few things but i choose a bad time for him to preform and He dosn't realy know how to do anything besides smile when he's infront of the camera! He's a doll!


  1. So cute! I couldn't get the video to run to smoothly for me for some reason, but I was watching it with Kaden and we could hear your voice. Thanks for teaching Kaden how to say banana!! He said "nana" right after you said banana. He was mesmerized just hearing your voice- we listened to it three times:)

  2. He is so smart! how about "I LOVE YOU"!! he knows that sign!!
