
Monday, March 17, 2008

Wow Maxwell is 15 months old and I have never done a post telling anything about him.

People always ask me is he alot like Cody was? or Is this what cody looked like at this age? Do they have similar personalities?

The answer is No, Nope, Nada!

Maxwell Alexander Owen the 1st

born 2 weeks late...I think that he was sent to try my paitents from the beginning! He was born 10lbs 8oz and is now...well I don't even know somewhere around 22lbs. He trails cody in size but not in attitude. Maxwell knows what he wants and when he wants it, reason takes a back burner to desire with this little guy. Cody taught me that children could be reasoned with and that children need to know thier boundries and expectations. Maxwell has taught me that...well I'm not sure... I can expect a good hard kick in the shins if every need is not met exactly as expected. I'm hoping that this is a phase that will surely pass. Maxwell is learning and has learned a bit of sign language that has helped a ton at our house.

Signs maxwell can do 100% as needed: PLEASE, Eat, All done, Down, banana, thank you, milk.

But he is learning and practicing signs like: sleep, play, mother, daddy, help, bottle, drink.

We have only been teaching the first signs mentioned until about a week ago but he is slowly learning the others and more. It's been amazing how as I have been using more signs...even ones that he dosen't reciprocate yet he has been using the signs that he does know sooo much more and applying PLEASE to every circumstance where there is a need or's pretty cute...

He sleeps through the night but thats nothing new, my only sleep deprivation is self induced, latenight cleaning, blogging, movie watching or date nights. He is basicly at 1 nap as off last week, which is probley not helping his desprate frustrations as he is dealing with the recent lack of sleep in combination with new teeth and growing body, so hopefully I will be able to get him back into 2 naps but it is extreemly hard to do with with so much going on so I'll settle for his 1- 2+hr nap.

2 Weeks ago... I moved the crib into Cody's room...sounds like a sleep disaster...NOPE it was seemless... It's amazing... I wasn't quite able to give up my "craft room" and so Max was sharing the room with all of my supplies...with prohibited the creativity at the owen home quite a bit. Since the move I have been able to sew and have access to all supplies all day and night.
Maxwell loves: Brown bear brown bear. He gets books and backs up to sit on your lap. We are very excited that he has burst into his intrest in books as we are a big book family.
Maxwell loves: His Binkie!!
Maxwell loves: Walking outside
Maxwell loves: Counting to 3...sometime in the near future I will video that!
Maxwell loves: Cody! Cody is the rising and the setting sun to max!! I'm so glad that Cody is such a great example to him. And COdy LOVES maxwell as well so they are starting out on the right feet!
Maxwell hates: Being told no (Don't we all )
Maxwell hates: Well I think being told no pretty much covers it. He is an extreemly fun baby. He has attitude, emotion, personality, and carisma!! He's fun to be around and his smile will brighten anyroom!


  1. Shelbi,
    that was a great update on Maxwell!! It now makes me think I need to do a better job at writing down the little things Jenna does!! Remembering and writing down are two completely different things for me!!
    I also love signing with Jenna, she still uses a lot of signs in conjunction with saying the word! I am a big signing time fan!
    Thanks for the cute update!!

  2. I cannot believe that is the same little boy as the newborn I saw not too long ago! He is adorable. I think it is the funnest to see how each little spirit comes into this world and watch how their personality develops. He sounds like he's a LOT of fun and him and Maxwell will be great buds. I think it is awesome that they aren't a lot alike. Variety is the spice in life!!
