
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Boys Got Hair Cuts!!

Ok life is never boring at my house... I'm sure I'm no exception. But since I cut the boy's hair( yes again!! ) It has been a joy to look at them. Cody love watching in the

mirror as the transformation occurs as I put gel in his hair, and so does maxwell. He doesn't even touch it afterwards. Maxwell's is a mohawk and Cody's is a spike up. Cody's picture isn't the best hair shot but that smile was irrisistable! I'll post a better one of Cody's hair later.

Today is School pictures for cody. So as soon as I leave here I will be choosing the shirt that will be documented for years to come. I hadn't realy thought about this before I going to buy pictures from school? I take so many of Him already about every 6-9 months I take a real photo shoot. So I'm debating whether or not to spend the extra funds for "pro" photos :)

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely LOVE their new do's!! They look aDoRaBlE!!! I actually had that thought about school pictures- it's a hard call I think. I think your candid shots are the best, but the school picture is just so classic. They are all so uniform too they are kind of fun to compare over the years. I would probably make my decision based on how much they cost and if I thought it was worth it:) Good luck with the decision.
