Friday, April 11, 2008

Cody Wins Ticket to Ride

Cody and I played Ticket to ride tonight. He did realy well and we had a lopt of fun!
Cody WON With 115 POINTS he completed the cards from Seattle to New York, and Vancouver to Montrel and Denver to El Paso. He was pretty excited about how long his trains were and that He Beat his mom but the first thing he said after hearing the score was... what do you thing Teacher Karyn is going to say? She won't believe this ...will she? (Preschool teacher)


Ethatch said...

Good job Cody! That is one of our favorite games to play when Viki and Matt (Portland kids--the only ones who were able to live somewhat close)come visit for the weekend. Cody must be quite the thinker to play that game and win Mom!
Marge Thatcher

Kaela said...

That is such a fun game! I too am impressed with Cody's skill!! Cute teacher quote- what a sweet boy.

Tara said...

I'm glad you sent me your blog link. Your family is so adorable and I love reading about the fun things you are involved with. You must be the busiest person in the world!

Anonymous said...

Hey wait a minute Cody wins a Ticket to Ride and his parents go on a cruise??
LOL I am so glad that you are going to get away, and!! that I get to come up and be with the boys!! Im starting now to store up energy and I am really greatful that they have a bed time that is the same as gramdmas!!

Anonymous said...

Hey cody, Good Job! I just beat Grandma and Grandpa Matheson and Uncle Jason and Aunt Kelsey last night. It was my first time winning too! I had to go from San Francisco to New York and had the longest train! We will have to play when we see eachother in Utah. Hannah is excited to see her cousins!!