
Sunday, April 06, 2008

General Conferance, as expected, hightened my desire to be more Christ-like, Recommit to being in tunned with the teachings of the gospel and has given me strength in myendevors to be kinder and more loving. I will strive to serve more selflessly and learn more from the lessons of those people and teaching around me.

James L Ferrell Wrote an excellent book that I love. The Peacegiver. I have readit a few times and it has always made it more clear in my mind my purpose here and how to become more like the Savior and live my life more in harmony with the true teachings of Christ's Church. I saw advertised a new book of his "The Holy Secret" and new that I had to get it, it was a weird feeling. I went to the bookstore yeasterday after conferance and picked it up not even looking at the price. Bryant and I picked it up tonight and he agreed to read with me... we'll see how that works. We read the intro-chapter 3 tonight. It's great. I love the way he speaks in his books... get it it's only 200 pages...a quick read for most.

I'd love to hear how you are enjoing it!! I would love to be in a book club and discuss books like this so if you do want to read lets talk about it...

In addition to this I'm reading Drawing on the Powers of Heaven!!! Fabulous book! I would recommend this to anyone seaking to increase thier connection with the Lord and recieve a more constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.


  1. Thanks for the recommendations. I will add these to my list. My list is getting a little big right now, but because YOU recommended them and want to talk about them I will have to bump them up a few notches. Don't ya love conference?!?!

  2. shelbi, sorry my joke was so was a bad joke and my mom is still mad at me. ;)

    Anyway, Drawing on the Powers of Heaven is one of the most powerful books I have ever read; it literally changed my mission experience for me because it changed me. I endorse the book and highly recommend all to read it. I am interested in the books you mentioned and I hope to find time, no, to make time to read them. Thanks for the suggestions!

  3. Shelbi Drawing on the [powers of heaven is one of my favorite books! I use it alot when I am preparing talks and when I taught YW.Prayer can make miracles happen, Im glad yuou reminded me aboutr that book I will go get it off the dusty shelves tonight.
    Thank you for being my sweet teacher!

  4. Shelbi Drawing on the [powers of heaven is one of my favorite books! I use it alot when I am preparing talks and when I taught YW.Prayer can make miracles happen, Im glad yuou reminded me aboutr that book I will go get it off the dusty shelves tonight.
    Thank you for being my sweet teacher!
