Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cody's 5th Birthday has come at last :) I'm so proud of what a great boy he is and how his little spirit is so full of Love and adventure and excitement. He truly loves everyone and is excited about their successes and is saddened by their disappointments. He is such a good example to our family and we are BLESSED to have him.

Entrance to the enchanted Kingdom

Personalized Shields

Sugar Cube Castle Building

The Miniature Knight

You have NO idea how long it took to get the streamers up and I would say it took 1/5748497062th of the time to take them down

We had a mid evil feast with Chicken legs, Grapes, Cheese squares, Rolls and Juice

The Pinata was filled with coins with numbers and they got to come and buy a prize with the coin. WAY better than candy!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely wonderful! It looks like it all went great. Even though a ton of work work (not to mention good times with the streamers!)went into it, it's all worth it in the end and he'll remember that birthday for a long time! Happy Birthday Cody!

scott e said...

I wish it were my birthday party. A lucky boy that has such a creative mother.

Thank you for your comment on my blog. It really is nice to be alive and healthy.

Holly said...

Very creative party, Shelbi. Looks like the boys had fun. Happy birthday to Cody!

Ali said...

Wow, you went all out! What a creative's not your usual pirate theme you see so often:) Great Job! I am curious as to how much work you put into this- it looks like A.LOT.

Lindsey said...

Shelbi, it is better than I imagined!! I love the boys costumes, so perfect! You guys are such great parents to join in on the dress up fun! Good Job with the party, it likes all the boys were in Knight heaven! :)
Happy 5th Birthday Cody!

Lindsey said...

that last part was suppose to say it looks like all the boys were in knight heaven! :) sorry

Mindy said...

Wow, what a lot of hard work. It will be a party to remember. What fun to look at the pictures and see who I recognized. Thanks.

Kaela said...

Holy Shmole, Shelbi! Looks like you've managed to outdo yourself again!! And... as always... it looks like all of your efforts were not in vain and everyone had a COMPLETE BLAST!!! What a FABULOUS mommy you are. You are an inspiration my dear:)

Ethatch said...

WOW Shelbi!!! Kaela told me I had to peek in, so I did! You went all out and what a payoff!!Lucky little boys to have you for a mom!
Marge Thatcher

meg said...

what a fun party--i love that your fence matches the theme so well. happy birthday to cody! looks like a blast.

Trina said...

Wow! And I thought I went all out. You put me to shame! I'll bet you made all those costumes too! You're amazing! Talk about super mom!
And where as the time gone?! I was just thinking about Rylee early today and how grown up she is. Remember when our big kids were babies that crawled, walked, hugged and kissed each other?! Love watching them grow though!

Anonymous said...

Rick and I are so impressed with this party. It's simply fabulous! I love Cody's hair cut. What a total knock out!!!

Kaitlyn said...

Wow you are so creative, that birthday is awesome, you have a beautiful family!hope you don't mind I checked out your blog.