First It's maxwell on Cody's first day of school, he carried around his "journal" all day! we love you Maxwell! And here is my first grader!!
Cody is just adorable, while he is going through many phases right now which are a little frusterating, some of the great ones are pouring his own milk, holding bentley, and reading complete sentances with expression :) As apprehensive as he is to be a 1st grader he sure is a cute one!! (below) This day imparticular he stayed home "sick" till about 11:30 before deciding that staying in bed all day is for "really, really sick" people :) We love you Cody!!
Oh, I remember the days I would sneak the hot pad and try and get my temperature up...that's got to be 10X harder for the Mom to watch the kid not want to go to school than it is for the kid to not want to go...He looks like quite the handsome devil though!
Such great picture of your sweet little boys. I saw your photography cute by the way. I wish you could take pixs of my newborn coming in March.
TEll Cody that Grandma Labrum doesnt think his Mommy ever missed a day at school! Im sure you must have at least a couple times. But it wasnt a habit!I think you loved School!!But I remember when my kids wanted to stay home because they were sick I did the same thing, it was into bed, no tv and no special treatment! (unless they were REALLY sick) it was a very fine line! LOL LOves
Oh, I remember the days I would sneak the hot pad and try and get my temperature up...that's got to be 10X harder for the Mom to watch the kid not want to go to school than it is for the kid to not want to go...He looks like quite the handsome devil though!
Wow! 1st grade! I love teaching 1st is such a great age! I hope he's enjoying school!
Where did that time go???? I can't believe you have a 1st grader and he's reading already!
Such cute pictures. I know it's hard for Max that Cody goes to school too! I can't wait for him to read me a book!
Such great picture of your sweet little boys. I saw your photography cute by the way. I wish you could take pixs of my newborn coming in March.
TEll Cody that Grandma Labrum doesnt think his Mommy ever missed a day at school! Im sure you must have at least a couple times. But it wasnt a habit!I think you loved School!!But I remember when my kids wanted to stay home because they were sick I did the same thing, it was into bed, no tv and no special treatment! (unless they were REALLY sick) it was a very fine line! LOL
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