
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Deception Pass & Fort Casey

Here we are! We had so much fun going up to Whidbey Island. We drove straight there and found a beach and walked along and had lunch. Maxwell found lots of treasures as you will see.
at the bridge we hiked up from a camp site below and then cody wanted to take the hiking trail to Goose Rock. We had a great hike and got some great views of the olympics and the sound. It was beautiful!!
We went to Fort Casey and enjoyed looking at the WW1 fort. The boys are still talking about it!


  1. Those are such fun places to visit. And camping there is really fun too. You can camp just down from the fort, right next to where some of the fairies come in. Your kids are getting so big, and always cute.

  2. that looks like a fun trip. i've decided it's all the small family trips that add up to be soo much fun! can't always wait for the big ones and the perfect time or money! your boys are getting so big and handsome!!!

  3. That looks like such a beautiful and fun place!! Great pictures!!!

  4. Cute photos! My favorite is a tie between Max holding a crab (dead or alive?) and sweet Bentley Ray sleeping in that hat!

    PS - You need to add a bird to the family on your header :)
