
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Lined up to see...

Maxwell is so sweet, other than the fact that these nativities will most likely never be in their correct places, I think maxwell has the right idea :)
Mom- "why are they all lined up?"
maxwell- "they are all in a line to see baby Jesus." (look of confusion as if there could have been another reason)


  1. So cute... oh, Shelbi, I wish you'd blog more stories like this cause I'm sure there are tons of them :)

  2. How sweet it that?!! I agree, he does have the right idea :)

  3. Well that about says it all!!How cute can 3 boys be??? Pretty dang cute is what I say!!Cant wait to hear all there adventures(Maxwell) And see all all about Codys projects! And then of course Eat Bentley from his toes to his nose!!
    I love you all!See you soon!
    Gramy L.

  4. I love that they are in a line!! I think my kids might think they should pile on top of each other to get the best look at Baby Jesus.
