
Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Welcome to the new Life

I have had to do some realizations recently:
1- I have never been the mother of 3 boys before
2- I have alot of work to do just to keep the house in order
3- Prefectionisum = ethier doing everything amazingly or doing nothing at all.
4- I have wonderful gifts I'm not taking advantage of
5- Having a clean house is something that I'm not willing to part with
6- I must excersize
7- I must study the gospel more
8- Go and do...not sit and stew

I haven't blogged in forever... I never have the perfect photos or time to edit them right, or frame them or write the perfect post that I ran through my mind as I was shooting hoops or driving to and fro.

I'm excited to have a regular fun blog, and sit down {for a controlled about of time} and check into the lives of friends and family that are so far away. When I sat down in the last week or two to check blogs for the first time in forever I found that One friend had had a baby and I didn't even know they were expecting, another friend had moved houses completely, another had her daughter cut her hair completly off AND posted a picture of the growth over several months... I've been way out of it and I'm sad that I've missed out on so much.

I know that my moms have missed out on the fun little things that my babies are doing so I vow to be a little better blogger...not daily... but better!!

If anyone has advice on how to do it all... that would be nice.

But for now my motto is going to be: (Please keep in mind it take at least 21 days to form a habit) "Doing it step at a time"
I'm going to blog, but not perfectly, I'm going to clean, a little each day, I'm going to excersize even if it's not the whole hour and a half... and I'm going to read and study my scriptures more...even if theres a million other things to do.

My to-do lists are going to be real lists not hopes and dreams!!

My posts are going to be positive joural entries into our lives.
Thanks for reading my ramblings :)


  1. Good for you Shelbi. It's so hard to find that balance and fit everything you would LIKE to do into one day along with all the things you feel you MUST do. It's a struggle for everyone. I finally decided that paper scrapbooking every picture is no longer practical and so I'm motivated to blog regularly because that will become my scrapbook. It's hard though. Oh, and btw, I was just called as the YW Pres. so I would love to pick your brain about different ideas sometime.

  2. Yeah for more blog posts! I've missed seeing more of your life and boys...and looking forward to MORE :)

  3. Shelbi, You are close enough to perfect for me!!You get more done in one day than most do in weeks. Sometimes the things you do cannot be seen by the naked eye but by the spiritual eye! Your calling was always 100%, the food you prepare and take to people all the time.Think of the things you do perfectly, love your family,read your scriptures, tithing, love hubby, (for example, and the list goes on), instead of the things that you dont! I Love you
    And you are close enough to perfect for me!!

  4. Yay! And you're doing this just in time too...If I couldn't read about your life while I'm living in Iowa - I think it would make this move even worse. So keep it updated for me, okay? Thanks :)

  5. hooray! I am looking forward to seeing more updates!!

  6. thanks for the good reminders, shelbi--what timing you have! i'm just trying to figure out how i will stay sane/keep my family sane right now, but i'm sure we'll adjust. baby steps, baby steps.
    it will be fun to see more of what you guys are up to. sometimes i find i have more time than others for blogging, so i try to do multiple entries and post some at a later time (using the post date option. it's awesome).

  7. Don't ya love the balancing act that is called life?! I love your mom's comment. It's true- you have always done so much and have such high expectations for yourself. Just keep up the good fight, keep your priorities in check, and keep up the good work... although I wouldn't mind if you kept blogging a little higher on your list;) I love your updates and miss you!!! Love ya!!
