Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cody's Birthday




Cody's Birthday party was a success with all the little ones!! Lego building and eating a cake that realy looked like legos was super fun!
Cody is an amazing Child. and it was a pleasure to give him a party that he'll remember forever. His friends and grandparents were VERY kind and he got some awsome Lego "stuff" for his birthday. He's been a lego mess ever since the day in fact :) I cleared out a walk in closet so he'll have a creation place to store all of his cool creation away from the littlest creator in our home :)


Kristine said...

That cake is amazing! Good Job Shelbi! Happy Birthday to Cody!

Hatch Family said...

Oh my gosh! I can't believe Cody is 7! I think the last time I saw you was right after he was born!

meg said...

Shelbi, that cake is amazing! Happy birthday, Cody. looks like a great party.

meg said...

haha, i just looked at the other comments. Kristine and i think alike, apparently :)

Kaela said...

You throw the coolest parties!! Legos- genius! I want to play:) Looooove that cake. I have big plans to try to master fondant someday. How was it for you?

Kristin said...

That cake is awesome Shelbi! Cody looks so much older than 7 in some of those photos, seriously, like pre-teen! But you are right, he is the cutest 7 year old around. Good job on the party mom!