Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Change is a good thing....right?

So here's our little bentley boo as cute as can be :) There are a ton of pictures but how can ya choose when he looks like this in all the pictures. I can't believe that I actually feel a little sad about the hair cut, I was just saying how I loved his hair to the girls the other day, then i the spirit of school haircuts I cut it all off... of course he's the cutest thing you've ever seen, but I still miss that baby baby look. But he had the same old hugs for mom afterwards and was such a good boy.... I think we will like the change :)


Heidi B. said...

So dang cute!!! He is getting so big! How lucky you are to get so much love from all those boys!!

Chelsi said...

Love the haircut he is so cute!!

Kaela said...

He's so blonde!! And he looks so different! He is still so cute though- isn't it crazy how just when you think they can't get ANY cuter- they DO!!! Boys are so fun:) Love all these posts!!!!

Larkann said...

He is so adorable - you could have shaved his head (but PLEASE DON'T) and he would be a little doll.

Natalie said...

SOOOO cute! Bentley, you are such a sweetheart!

Lindsey said...

How darling is he?!!! The haircut does make him look older, I keep looking at the before and after pic :) They grow too fast!

Mindy said...

His hair does look cute. I understand that haircut thing for boys. I saved a little from each of their first haircuts, however Alexis I did not. Not sure why. I almost saved some from her last cut because they cut so much off.