Tuesday, September 07, 2010

I just love ADIDAS mom.

Here's a little update on Cody :

Started 2nd grade!
(He says it's alot like 1st grade)
Like's his teacher: Mrs Pang-Ching

If your looking for Cody you might find him: In the playroom closet building star-wars Lego creations. On top of his bed with his head in a book: Currently Harry Potter #3, He already finished Harry Potter 1&2 and nearly all the Magic Treehouse books. Or out on the trampoline. He's constanly wanting to play on the PS3 or go on lego.com which we try to keep to a minimum :)
If it's has 3 stripes (ADIDAS) Cody loves it :)

He recently learned to blanch peaches with dad and did a better job than Natalie and I :( He asked if there were more peaches to blanch 'cause it was so fun :)

He's having a hard time with all these little people around trying to help build his legos(which are already built)

But he's the best brother a boy could hope for!
He watches bentley for me all the time and takes him out to the trampoline and is constantly keeping maxwell IN and OUT of trouble.


Erin Dooley said...

Your boys seem so sweet Shelbi! One of these times we really should get together. Maybe meet up at the zoo? Email me. erin_p_dooley@yahoo.com

meg said...

I can totally hear Cody saying that. Fun post. It's crazy to me that I knew Cody when he was a sunbeam. 2nd grade!