
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Let's Celebrate GRANDPARENTS!!

We think that we have the coolest GRANDPARENTS and here are some of the reasons why:

Cody: I love all the different things we get to do at Grandma Labrum's House. I really Love the treasure chest! My favorite part of being with Grandpa Labrum , and I've only done it twice, but I hope more-- is the Liahona Hikes, those are sooo fun!

Maxwell: I like going Sledding with Grandpa Labrum and Playing with his dog with him.
I love the Grandma bag. And I love just going to Utah and going to their House!

Cody: It's so cool that they have a pool, it's realy fun when we get to go swimming or get in the hot tub with Grandma Matheson. One of my favorite times was when I got to go hang up flags in the morning with Grandpa Matheson.

Maxwell: I love all their toys especially the hot wheels and when she plays with me. I love swimming with grandpa and getting in the Hot tub!

Bentley says the best Hugs and Kisses come from Grandma's and Grandpa's!!


  1. Cool grandparents are only able to be cool because of GREAT grandkids !

  2. You make being a grandparent the BEST job ever! !! Thank you for being so thoughtful!
    What I Love about Cody is he is always so polite, and gives awesome hugs even though that's not his favorite thing to do! I love playing Lego's with him,especially seeing what he builds WOW!!!!
    I love to hear Max sing and tell story's, he is very entertaining!!HE makes me smile the whole time I'm with him!!And the hugs are BIG!!
    Bentley?? I love the cuddles and hugs from you Baby Bentley!! Your skin is sooo soft and being with you makes my heart sing!!!
    You all remind me that we have a legacy to be proud of, Your Mommy & Dad have done an excellent job of teaching you! !!!Kudos to them
    Thank you Shelbi & Bryant
