Sunday, September 26, 2010

Three's Company

Here are my three little guys after church... since I might not ever get them to wear the same matching sweater vests again I thought I better take a picture :)
Cody was very upset about not wearing his suit jacket.
I am seriously in love with these boys... how is it even possible to love them this much??


Erin Dooley said...

What handsome little boys! That's so funny that he was so sad about not waring his jacket.

Erin Dooley said...

I really do know how to spell wearing...:)

Lindsey said...

Love the matching vests!!! I keep thinking about how you told me that with each child your love multiplies not divides. It is so true, sometimes I feel like I am going to explode because I am filled with so much love!!! So I can relate :)

Jaime said...


hey shelbs send me your mailing info, you won over on my blog!!!

Jhamise said...

Oh my goodness - I was absolutely stunned SPEECHLESS at how huge and handsome the boys are!!! Too cute for words, my heart jumped with joy at seeing their faces.

The Coleman Family said...

LOVE this picture! How cute are they all in their matching vests?!?!