Friday, October 29, 2010


Surprise your getting in the car and we are taking you somewhere for your birthday!
It's fine... you can be sick!
We've had this planned for months now.
Get your book we have a long drive ahead of us.

And with that we were on our way to an undisclosed location...
(I hate blogger and how it puts my pictures in a random order and then it's so hard to rearrange here is a mix of all our fun pictures.)
We're at the GREAT WOLF LODGE!!

Bryant had more fun than anyone seeing his well laid plans come in to perfect order.
Accomplishing eerything on his list (if he had a list like this... it would have all been checked off ☺)
  • pack up with out shelbi knowing (3:30 AM)
  • load up without shelbi knowing where we are going.
  • pack everything that resembled a swimming suit or similar materials
  • locate yummy Mexican restaurant nearby shelbi's favorite
  • locate a yummy breakfast cafe so shelbi can have her favorite french toast!
  • give shelbi plenty of time to read with out interruptions
  • keep everyone smiling
Thanks sweetie for such a fun Birthday!


Heidi B. said...

How fun!! What a great surprise! Good job Bryant and boys for keeping such a fun surprise!

Kaela said...

So fun!!! I want to know how I can 'teach' my husband to surprise me like Bryant surprises you:) Viki and her family just went to Great Wolf Lodge last weekend, then I saw that Bethany went in TX... I want to go too!!! Looks like a blast! Glad you had such a Happy Birthday!!!!!

Gramy Lynda said...

Bryant you are a choice husband!! I prayer answered!!We love you!!Thank you for treating Shelbi like the Princess she is and will be!!Loves & Hugs
Mom L.