Monday, November 01, 2010

Who's the real wizard around here?

Cody has just blown my socks off with his reading and comprehension abilities!
I'll catch him reading in between chores or after he puts his shoes on if he has 2 minutes... luckily he hasn't caught the... reading in the bathroom bug, because he'd go in there and lock the door and I'd never see him again :)
He has finished the first 4 harry potter books in the past 2 months and is now well into book #5, but in between he throws in a little sSar wars, Pokemon and read the whole diary of a wimpy kid and reads the scriptures...
As a family we finished Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon, where it tells the allegory of the Olive tree, we took 3 days to read and talk about it. When we finished Cody says " I really Like that story can we read it again?" So tonight we finished it for the second time. He comes up with insights that I haven't even thought about before, I think I understand it better after hearing Cody analyze it. I love you Cody and I can't wait to see who and what you will become!


Mindy said...

What the Heck! He read the Harry Potter Books. Man Jaden loved books as a little boy and we could read to him for hours, but now its pure torture to read a simple, couple words a page, kind of book. Ugh! You are blessed.

Kristine said...

Oh Oh, he sounds like someone else I used to know? We would have to punish Kelsey sometimes for reading too much. No flashlights in the bedroom either! Way to go Cody, you are an amazing kid! Just like your Parents!

Kristin said...

Yay for Cody! That's awesome that he has developed a love for reading at such a young age. That means he will be that much better off in the future. What a great kid. If you ever want to sell him, I would pay top dollar.

Linford Family said...

Hi Shelby! Thanks for the comment on my blog! You're very nice. It is mind bogling to me too how people can post so often. I don't see how it's possible!

Yes, I am very much into natural childbirth. (I guess I didn't mention that part in my post) I was able to go natural with all my kids. That's neat you feel the same way!

Your blog is so cute and you have an adorable family and one smart kiddo-wow-what a reader! That's great.

Thanks again for your encouraging words!

Gramy Lynda said...

I am so blessed to have you as a grandson!! You are so kind and obedient, and SMART!!!You make Gramy cry when I read your mommys words!! I miss you so much!!Keep up the good work!!I love you!

Erin Dooley said...

What a smart little guy!