Monday, March 28, 2011

I would be so selfish if I didn't Share!

iHEART jen and she hearts organizing...and I heart organizing...

I really have a bad habit of saying how crazy i am and how unorganized I am... I might not be able to find my keys or my sissors... but at this house everything has a place...and a good place. I have installed more wire shelving units in house than they carry instock at home depot, clear tubs, cute bins, hooks or drawers for everything!

From organizing my food storage to my kids clothes I've really made it a priority.

I might be a few days behind the avaerage OCD mom when it comes to doing Laundry but I really like to have everything organized and in it's place. I have tubs that are marked and don't have a junk drawer! That took a little determination but I just went for it a while back and haven't looked's either trash for it has a place :) if I have to much...I donate it!

Jen at is my hero. Esspecially this month! She has made all those things I planned to do... a reality this month with her Family organization binder and all her sheets are free this month.
In one place (which is the key) you have a place (that looks good) to store all the information that you wish you knew, which you could remember, or have tucked away in your head that no one else knows. It also gives a place for that information that is needed but gets forgotten because it's tucked away nicely in a file drawer :)

You've got to check it out. I have to say these aren't unheard of concepts it's just she pushes you to do them...then helps you do it right and it looks good too!! Check it out!

IHeart Organizing


Kristin said...

I am so impressed! There are only about 4 junk drawers in my kitchen and I am CONSTANTLY saying how I need to clean them out. Can I see pictures of how you did it?

Jaime said...

I hear ya!
I have loved her and her blog for a while now! I seriously want to live in her house. Scott is making me the same entertainment center that she has in her living room because I loved it so much.