
Sunday, April 24, 2011

WARNING...extreem cuteness....Easter Blessings

With these smiling faces comes a knowledge that we have a Heavenly Father that loves US!
We believe with all our heart that God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to the Earth to Atone for the sins of all! For those who are willing to come to him and forsake their sins he gives a promise of new life. At Easter we celebrate this new life. Not only may we return to live with our Father in Heaven, but we can recieve new life here in this life. Life that brings freedom and Happiness that only He can give!
I know that my Redeemer lives!

Happy Easter and May the love of God and His Son
touch your life today and everyday!


  1. Happy Easter! They are so handsome already, but in suits? come on! :)

  2. The cuteness is overwhelming. I love all the little men in suits, and the big one too! You have a beautiful family.

  3. Beautiful post and Handsome boys! Happy all is going well for you Shelbi:)

  4. Sosososososososososososooooooooo CUTE:)
