
Saturday, January 14, 2012

WHO WHAT WHEN A family Organized!

When I have tried organizing the family in the past I have tried, planners, calanders, chore charts, sticker charts, menu board etc... I have a problem with each one... THERE ISN'T 1 place for everything!

I have a big problem with a chart/ calander that I'm the only one who can read, one that can get left in the car, one that isn't big enough to fit everything on, one that looks good all the time. And one that makes sense to EVERYONE! I refuse to be the only one who knows whats going on!

Why I made this board...
Well I needed a place that this unorganized mind (of mine) could function with my organized life. I needed something that I could pass by and recall that "Piano was today", with out getting my planner out. I need one where I can say..."Have you gotten your jobs done yet? and they can check the board (themselves)... I know it sounds horrible but I needed the magnets here so that I could remember what jobs needed to be done, and who was going to do them, week after week.
I needed magnets with out top 40 meals so I wouldn't have to think of what to make. And as sad as it sounds so that I would remember to make dinner.
And it had to be big so I can't lose it or forget about it! ( I know I Know I have lost or forgotten them in the past)

This chart hangs in the heart of our coming and goings... THE LOFT. I see it first thing,  I see it before bed, I see it at nap time, I see it the whole time I'm on Pinterest and should be making dinner. So It really works out perfect!

Here's how I did it!
I took a large peice of MDF 3/4" thick and routed the edges.
Total size: 20" X 48"

Coats of Magnetic paint: 3
(It had instructions on the can but I really took them to heart and I think that it made a world of difference.
3 Thin layers of magnetic paint, rolled on with a foam roller)

Coats of Enamel Paint: 2
Why Enamel Paint: High Use, washable, no finger prints, looks great

Total cost for Vinyl Cut: $6

I measured the center of the board ( marked it with pencil) and made all my decisions based on the center of the board.
When I had my Vinyl word strip I carefully folded it in half and pinched the top of the protective covering to make a mark where the center of the word was. This did not ever fold the vinyl word, just the application strip that the vinyl is stuck onto.
I measured 5 3/4" from each day of the week at the middle point and marked it for the next day, allowing at least 4 responisbility strips to fit in each day under each persons name.

From here I went down the board measureing and applying one at a time till all the days of the week were applied.

When all the days of the week we on I applied the pinstriping. I got this at Napa Auto Parts, it looks just like the black vinyl lettering I ordered in gloss. it was just under $3. It's very forgiving and was not to difficult to ad to the sign. I measured one spot at a time, cut and applied so I didn't waste didn't loose my place as apposed to cutting all the stripes at once.

2 4Pks of Magnet Circles: .99cents Each ($1.98)
The name circles at the top are, from Ikea.
I kept the ribbons simple on the top. The Letters are metal scrapbooking letters glued on.

A little about magnets:
I am super cheap... I mean frugal :) and I had quite a few of those magnet calandars that are about 5X7 and used all of those for this next project:
Money saved reusing/saving magnets: MILLIONS OF DOLLARS! ( ok it was probley at least $20)
A roll of magnet tape dosn't work, looks to bulky and wants to curl because the paper lends no support. Magnet paper to run through your printer won't hold up to the wear and tear unless you have a laser printer. 

The responsibility magnets.
I have dinners, Family Home Evening Lessons, family fun activites, cleaning jobs, And calendar events. Keeping it simple to these helps everyone to know whats going on. and Keeping them color coded helps when I am restarting the next week, or making changes, or taking a quick glance.
I made the color coded word strips on Illustrator printed these off at Costco.( Because nobody can beat the price of full color on cardstock prints!)
I used a heavy duty glue ( Gorilla Glue) to adhere the sheets of magnet to the sheets of words AND THEN cut them! Simply on my paper cutter and they are great! Easy on, easy off, not to sticky, not heavy at all, super inexpensive and they look great. you can't even tell that they aren't printed on magnet sheets and they cost about $2 total.


  1. This is AMAZING Shelbi!! So simple... well I say simple, but I'm sure the process of coming up with this wasn't. But, so simple and brilliant. I love it so much!!! I just gotta see if I can do this now. I had just come up with an organizational plan before I saw this so now I am going to have to think about these two plans and decide which direction to head first.

    Also- I just read your profile and LOVE it too!! I wish I could see your leadership skills in action today! You make me want to be a leader... even though I prefer to be a in the background type of girl:) Love and miss you!!

  2. This is awesome! I can't wait to see it in person and although it sounds like it was a lot of work to put together, I'm sure it was a piece of cake for you :)

    What a great way to keep everything organized all in one place.

  3. wow! I seriously need to do something like this!

  4. I am the most disorganized gal ever, so I love that you came up with a solution.

  5. brilliant, shelbi. in fact, i just pinned it to pinterest. everyone needs to know about this!

  6. p.s. so you have everyone in the family getting turns at making dinner?

  7. Aubrey- each child has a day in which they will help prepare and plan and clean up the meal. but I"m not quite ready to let them take over my kitchen...but yogurt and cereal i think would be alot easier so maybe I will let them :)

  8. Shelbi !! where were you when I was raising my children?? ...Oh now I remember. lol I am soo proud of you ...again!!! MOM
