
Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Family In Waiting...

We are very excited about baby boy #4.
Today Bryant said (as we were walking in the door, as I was about in tears after finishing Stake Conferance on the floor in the gym because the contractions hurt and my hands and feet were swelling sitting in the chair.) "It'll be worth it won't it honey?...when he's here."
Cody said, "when who's here? The baby? Of course it will cause I'll get to hold him and he'll be super cute."
The day was better exponentially after that! I proceeded to sleep on the couch with bry and the boys were good playing together and didn't ask for food for an hour and a half... the sun is shining today in seattle!

Bryant and I got to go to the most incredible Dr for our ultra sound... Here are some pre photos of baby boys face.. His little lips are so perfect and yes...even the Dr. said this baby is CUBBY! Because my babys have been on the large side my midwife wanted to check him out and see how things were looking. My ultra sound dr. said he'd be surprised to be off by more than 10% thinking that baby boy will be about 9lbs... we'll see.(most think a lb guesstimate is within 2lbs...after 36 yrs he tells me he's rarely off by that much)  He's already measureing in the 90th percentile for gestational growth at this point, so we"ll see where we end up on the due date :)

At my Appointment the next day with my midwife she was measuring me to check my weeks progress and ended up not getting a measurment, "this baby has dropped alot. Wow, there's like no baby up here, he's all down here." He's definitely dropped and I'm having hard contractions... if this keeps up I can only hope and pray he'll come on time, but that would be out of the norm... which is what is so overwhelming, thinking that I will have this huge baby boy, 2 weeks late. AHHHHHHHH.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures it's kind of weird to see him, he looks just like Maxwell in case anyone was wondering :) love to you all!

Little Question if you are still reading: "What do I say to the boys, if the boys still don't like the name that Bryant and I both love for baby boy #4?"

Also: Any Name suggestions? thanks!

Hope that the sun is shinning where ever you are!


  1. Only special Mom's get 4 boys! I'm convinced. Congratulations! Love the blog.


  2. Yay to be at a time we are so excited for contractions! Sooo cute!

  3. I am so excited for you!!! I'm sure he will be adorable because of your track record:) I hope he comes on time!

  4. it sounded like they were fine with the name when they were here on thursday. maxwell was telling us the name and seemed fine with it. {but i had to ask you when you got here, just to make sure that that's what it was.}

    wow! it sounds like you ARE in prelabor. good luck..i can't wait to meet him. :)

  5. good luck. yes, he's definitely gonna be a cute little one. So happy for you guys. Your boys will love him no matter what the name cuz he's definitely worth the wait!

  6. You better text me that name right now! It's killing me not knowing. I can't wait to see little Owen boy. He's the luckiest little guy to be born into such a loving family and he doesn't even know it yet.

  7. Ask them what they like?! look in the genealogy like , Vernon, Tom, Lamar, Melvin , to name a few! Like any of them??

  8. Love you guys! Hope it all goes according to our plans!! And of course Heavenly Fathers!

  9. How exciting that NUMBER FOUR is on his have got to have one of the most HANDSOME families...congrats!

  10. Wow- I am so late to comment, but I've been thinking about you so much lately. Can't wait for your newest addition to arrive and hope you are feeling well!! What a cool ultrasound too! I'll be praying for a fast, healthy (for momma AND baby) delivery asap!!!!!! And sorry I am no help with boy names.

  11. Whoa, where have I been? Did I miss a past blog post about expecting #4?! Congratulations, you guys! That is wonderful!

  12. Four boys huh? It's a good way to go!! :-) So excited for you. Just a note though, I had tons of prelabor with my 4th too, and then when Noah decided to come he came FAST. Don't delay your trip to the hospital at all. We barely made it.

    PS Parents get to name. Kids get used to the name whether they like it or not. I keep telling Emma and Lindsay they can name their own babies when they have them. I get to name mine! :-)
