
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

WELCOME TO Hogwarts :)

Cody:    Ron Weasley
Maxwell: Oliver Wood (head Quidditch Captain)
Bentley: Harry Potter
Bridger: Hedwig (Harry Potters Snowy Owl)
Bryant & Shelbi: Gryffindor Head Boy and Head Girl :)

 Bentley dressed up alot this year so I gave him another option :) He loved being a football player about as much as being Harry Potter :) He was so stinkin' cute in his shoulder pads :)
 We told the boys they had to be able to lift their pumpkins or we wouldn't get it :) unfortunately we didn't get a shot , but Cody's was huge, as huge as he cold carry
Maxwells was green of course :) Always looking out for the pumpkin that will get left behind :)

and yes I kiss this face as many times as possible :)


  1. Cody, I am so proud of you. You could have settled for a tiny pumpkin but you went for the most you could carry. I love that about you!

  2. What a great family theme (love that snowy owl)!! Super cute.

  3. So, so, so cute!!! Way to go!!!!! Family themes are always my favorite- major props to you for pulling it all off and everyone looking so cute!

  4. Love the Halloween costumes! I always try to go with themes and my kids never want to . . . so good job you!! :-) Plus, Bridger is the cutest snowy owl EVER!

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