
Saturday, September 07, 2013

Learning and Growing!

 Tiffany Park was a great place to start!!
The Owen family loved our family at Tiffany Park! Great Teachers, staff and Principal.
Maxwell Finished Kindergarten and Cody finished 4th grade.

 Here is Maxwell above with his teacher Mrs. Twiss. He loved his teacher, she was a very wonderful woman.
Maxwell was a social bug, organizing playdates and making friends with all he could!
Maxwell ended school year with flying colors. He scored excellent marks in all catagories/subjects on his report card.

Today maxwell can read aloud on his own. Is adding 2 digit numbers, and even learning to read with expression. He enjoys being with people and making new friends. He is kind and thoughtful. He LOVES crafts doing crafts and projects and absolutely takes every opportunity to make others smile and feel good!
Last day of School- Athletic day- The whole family was there in our angels outfits.
Bryant and I helped with the field day activities.

Cody finished the 4th grade with Mrs Clinton. He loved her and has always loved every teacher he has, it's always hard to leave. Cody volunteered to Babysit for her little baby and we gave her 2 movie tickets as a teacher gift. He had fun babysitting her little one. He is a sweet sweet boy!

Cody up and down out of his set several times during the awards ceremony at Tiffany Park.

Cody was recognized for his work and dedication for being on Patrol and as a Conflict Manager. He also got to go to Henry Moses Aquatic center for being on Patrol.
Cody was a participant in Battle of the Books. With his 3 other team mates, they competed for the win in thier 4th grade class and WON!! They then battled all the 4th grade class winners and WON for the 4th grade!, THEN they battled the 5th grade winner and went on to WIN!! Cody's group, self named the "World Readers" represented Tiffany Park at a District wide competition. They scored 27/30 of the Battle Questions correct. They didn't take the trophy, but they did do a great job, and under such pressure I was so proud of them!!
Cody was recognized with a medal and a Trophy at the assembly.
Cody was also THE Outstanding Student of the Year in his 4th grade class.

Cody is reading at a 11th+ grade level and is constantly wanting to learn! I loveit!!
What a wonderful young man he is! We are very excited to see his thirst for academic learning to increase!

 I also recieved an award at the assembly, which was a very sweet experience.  I received the Golden Acorn Award which is a National PTA award, awarded through nomination on an individual school level to one community/PTA member each year. My name will forever be on a plaque in the Hall of Tiffany Park.

They read a nomination letter,and I received 2 gorgeous flower bouquets, and a $50 target gift card :) whoo hooo!The award was received because of my Readioactive reading program than I ran with the kids. Goal: 100,000 minutes, actual reading reported: 215,000+ Along with work at the bookfair: Highest gross profit to date.

I was a little caught of guard when I received the Golden Acorn and didn't get a photo, but I plan on stopping in to say good bye and get a photo op!

Bentley is such a fun boy, really 1 in a million! He barely survived prescchool... the kid who never wanted to go, but we made it and he always liked it when he was finally there! Here is is at the Dentist office. I love taking my kiddos anywhere, no matter how crazy I think they are being, people are always amazed at how well behaved they are and it's nothing new that bentley allowed them to do the full exam and cleaning, and then he went back for cavity and was a champ through out the whole thing!
What a great boy....It sucks that he had a cavity...but hopefully his teeth stay straight!!

Bentley is a little sportster! He loves all sports has an amazing throw, is tougher than nails and always comes straight in for kisses in the morning from mommy! So... were good! Bentley is recongizing letter names and sounds, adds numbers, knows mostly all shaped and colors, can count and Identify numbers out of a list. He's loving that I'm working with him also this year as I'm doing a home learning school for the boys. I told him that he could have free time to play and after about 5 minutes he said "Mom is my free time up yet? I'm ready to start school!"

This little face is just to much for me sometimes.. He's too cute... thats all there is to it!
Bridger doesn't know how to walk, he's straight to a bolt ,run or a side shuffle! ( he can walk ;) )
He feeds himself with a spoon (the other boys didn't care about this so this is super fun for me!) he LOVES his daddy! like....LOVES his daddy! It's pretty adorable! He uses sign language to communicate. He mostly uses, DOWN, Apple, more, eat, and yes. We are adding more and working on a handful all the time. He is now going to bed without a bottle! SOOO much easier than I thought it would be to break! Thank goodness! Bridger is the funnest and most adorable baby on the planet and we tell him that every 20 minutes. He is adored by all of his brothers and he also thinks he is a Ninja! :)


  1. Great post Shelbi! Thanks for sharing. I am hoping for more with the big move.

  2. Thanks a fun update on your great boys! We love you and can hardly wait to see all the amazing things they will do in the years to come!
