
Friday, June 08, 2018

Doctors and diagnosis

So I prayed and fasted and in all honesty got really frustrated and sad and mad... But Prayed harder.
I asked for guidance and courage... because it's not easy to go against what "everyone" thinks is the way things should be... it's not easy to be far removed from what "everything" thinks is normal... but then I have had to realized that what everyone thinks is "normal" is often far from where I want to be in life... I haven't conneected that to what I eat and what I am as much as I have with worldly things like, what I say, how I dress, what I do and what I see/read/watch... why should it be any different for what I take into my body?

I am realizing once again that It's ok to be different, there is no ONE way things should be, there is no one way things have to look ... and thats ok!!

I found after a weekend of fasting and praying TWO new people to bring into my life... both I thought would help with Thyroid issues but both have helped in many more ways... I will admit that HELP often looks and feels different than what I would think... at first you think of HELP as someone "helping" you carry in the grocery's ... like your load will be easier to carry... But it's more like someone Helping you travel through a maze while you are blind folded... it's going to be hard! It's going to feel scary and unsafe and dangerous even, unless you fully trust the people leading you...
So I have put my faith in God, and I know he will lead me. But Honestly I also have prayed for years for guidance and direction, and haven't really been lead to a solution. I have had to pray for the strength to endure many times.

I feel really good about the direction that I am going.
In a short conversation with my new thyroid therapist she said we will work on your thyroid and we will be able to get you off one medication pretty quickly and off your Depression and Anxiety meds in no time... what?

I didn't connect the dots enough, but as I am learning everything that I have been feeling is likely connected... untill I work through it all I won't know for 100% but she dosen't seem to be worried at all!!
That was eye opening!! Like amazing!
When I went to my endocronologist she looked at the list of medications that I was on and said:
 " So your have a doctor that is helping you with these, are they providing any relief?"
me" yes they are, it was night and day after I got on the right dosage"
she: "  they why are you here?"
me.... blank stare
"I don't want to be on all these medications... I feel they are connected, and want to have my thyroid tested to rule that out... I have been tested in the past and my primary doctors (4 different doctors) tell me that everything looks normal, but all the symptoms are there."

She "Ok we will test, and see how things are going"

she calls after blood tests puts me on synthroid and blood tests 6 weeks later show an improvement and she tells me I have hasimotos, she increades my medication 3 times and add T3 medication.

I ask her at the beginning of the year if we can get these to the point that I can go off of some of my other medications she says:
"no, you need to stay on those, this won't effect those..."


I have learned so much between my first appointment and diagnosis, and this point to learn that these things are so closely connected that all my intuition is telling me to run...but i have no where to go... no one else has been able to help me till now... but I have diagnosis & medication but no increased help..

so the research continues!!!!!!!!

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