Thursday, September 06, 2007

I think we found a winner!!!

Cody loved his first day of school they have "pets" and cody loves pets....a turtle, a few 'walking sticks', a bird and fish. Cody is patiently waiting for monday...what an evil trick , first day of school on a thursday with a rediculous weekend inbetween then and the next day of school :)
Crazy how that train of thought will change over the next few years.


Gramy Lynda said...

I think Cody is winner too! I love that BIG BUG on Cody's shirt. How many kids in your class Cody? What was the funnest thing that you did at school?
I love you guys!
I love the Blog!
Grammy Lynda

Alexander said...

I am so glad you started a blog. I love your boys. I can't believe you have an old kid. We are starting to get old. I was actually thinking about you the other day because I was telling one of my friends about how you lost, then later found your engagement ring. Crazy. You look great and I miss you.

Holly said...

Yay for school! I am glad he is loving it so much. Perhaps he will be lucky and the system won't kick that love of learning out of him. Who wouldn't want to go back to school when they have walking sticks in class? Perhaps the high schools in the area should use that idea. And give snacks.