Saturday, September 29, 2007

Apron Exchange

Woman's Night IN! October 16th, 2007 7-9pm
Here's the deal:
You send one recipe and one tip in before hand! You bring 1 Adoroable apron.
You leave with over a dozen recipes and tips to make life easier and at least 1 Fabulous apron.
All in time for the upcoming seasons full of tons to, cook, make, do...
now you'll look good and maybe get some great ideas on how to do it all even better!!
Plus you get to sit, chat and share with other wonderful women. Try some great food and of course you can't have party at Shelbi's without great drinks...
So here's what I need from you:
1. A tip of something that you do around the house, car or grocery store...etc... that makes your life easier or more enjoyable!
2. A Recipe that you love...(something that isn't Fajhitas becouse that's all I make)
It can be easy or difficult, but not cookies please. Please list all ingeredients in a list form and then detailed instructions to follow. Don't forget bake times and servings.
Now send these to me via Comments to this post.(link below)
Your post with your tip and recipe is your "RSVP" so that way I'll know you are coming.
I would like all info by October 9, 2007 Tips and reciped sent in after this day won't have as much fun that night!!
Order, Buy or make an apron that you would love to wear... I've seen some that I might wear to the store they are so cute and sexy. I have included a few photos of some great ones along with links to a few places that I have seen some fab ones. You can get patterns at the local quilt stores or JoAnns. Or just make one yourself...(they were harder than they look).
I'm so excited to see all the Different one's hopefully everyone leaves with something new to wear, make and do and gets good time with women, food and fun!

The Daisy Shoppe -
Perdoozy- Totaly Rockin' Aprons - is a great site for homemade things search for apron there are 100's of pages for aprons...have fun the hunt is half the fun!! Please call me or e-mail me with questions.


Lindsey said...

Tip: Hairspray gets ink stains out of clothing. Spray generously on stain and then wash normally. You may need to repeat if ink stain is really bad! I have also used this on my wood kitchen table and walls!

*Bonus tip: Thaw frozen orange juice in the microwave. remove the top metal lid. Place opened container in microwave and heat on high power for 1 min.

BBQ Apple Pork Chops (Serves 4)

1 can apple pie filling
4 frozen pork chops
1/2 bottle of barbeque sauce(18oz)
1/2 onion, chopped

Spray 9x13 pan with non-stick cooking spray and pour in apple pie filling. Place frozen pork chops on top and cover with BBQ sauce and sprinkled onions. cover pan with foil and bake at 250 degrees for 3 1/2 hours.
Crockpot directions: place all ingredients into pot for 4 hours on low!

Taryn said...

i would totally be there if i didn't leave all the way on the other side of the country. have so much fun!!

Kaela said...

I have been admiring aprons like these ever since I found them on different blogs and on etsy. Wish I could come- it sounds like a blast. I'll be looking forward to the follow up post:)

Heidi B. said...

I am sad that I won't be there. But hopefully I will find out all of these great tips and recipes from you later. LOVE YOU!

Jenna said...

Tip: Organize floating recipes into a three ring binder by sliding them into page protectors. Then its easy to add recipes into the right section, and when you splatter while cooking, none of the words or pictures are affected- all you have to do is wipe the page off!

Easy Chicken Parmesan (Serves 4)

4 chicken breasts
2 eggs
Bread crumbs
1 Can Red Sauce (your favorite flavor)
Grated cheese

Whisk eggs and then dip chicken breasts into eggs and then bread crumbs. Place in baking dish. Bake for 25 min at 350 degrees. Pour sauce and sprinkle grated cheese on top and bake for another 5-10 minutes. Serve with your favorite noodles!

Anonymous said...

Mindy: To help organize drawers (like in your bathroom, or kids dresser draws) I use old wipes containers. You get a new one almost every time you buy a big box. So I put makeup in one, lotion in another. for the kids I do socks in one, underwear in another. Its a great way to stay organized.

I have a snickers salad recipe, however I will post an easy dinner idea. this makes a ton. So do it if you are having missionaries over, or need to take someone a dinner. That way there is enough for your family too.

Chicken Enchiladas w/Sour Cream

16 0z. Sour Cream
2 cans cream of chicken soup
1Small can diced mild greenchiles
1can ripe olives, sliced
cooked chicken or turkey, cut into small pieces (I use 3-4 chicken breasts and put them in the food processor).
grated cheese
flour tortillas

combine first 4 ingredients. Add chicken. roll into tortillas and place seam side down in a 9"x13" pan. Top with cheese. Bake @ 350 until hot and cheese is melted. If you want you can put enchilada sauce, but we usually put salsa on after it cooks.

Anonymous said...

Tip: A P-touch label maker is a mom's best friend. I label file drawers, clear storage bins, photo boxes, tupperware containers, 3-ring binders etc. Having the contents identified saves me time and keeps me organized. A label maker is also a great gift for the obsessive/compulsive person in your family (my sister Loves hers!).

Sticky Corn (Carmel Corn)
Serves 6

1 large bowl of air-popped corn (not microwave)
1 Cup butter
1 1/2 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Maple Syrup
1 tsp. Vanilla

Put in pan and melt together. Bring to a boil. As soon as it starts boiling, turn heat down and stir constantly for 15 minutes. Take off heat and add in vanilla. Pour over popped corn and stir together. This recipe can cut in half successfully. Don't swap out any ingredients or it won't turn out (ex. don't use margarine...use real butter, don't use lite maple syrup). This is a FHE favorite at our house. Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Tip: When you bring fresh greens home from the grocery store, wrap them in a dry paper towel to soak up the excess moisture. It helps keep them fresh longer.

Recipe: Cheesy Nacho Beef Dinner

1 (6.8 oz.) package Spanish Rice
1/2 lb. lean ground beef
2 C. water
1 C. salsa
1 C. corn
1 C. black olives
1 C. shredded cheddar cheese
Tortilla Chips

Saute rice-vermicelli mix with ground beef in large skillet over medium heat until beef is browned. Stir in water, corn, and spanish rice seasonings; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low. Cover; simmer for 15 - 20 minutes or until rice is tender. Sprinkle with cheese and serve with sour cream (optional) and eat with tortilla chips. Serves 4.

Anonymous said...

Tip; Have a menu planed out for 2 weeks. This has many benefits. You should make this before you go grocery shopping. # 1, it helps you focus on what to buy for dinners and # 2, you will know what you’re cooking each day. You can easily look at your menu in the morning and realize you need to take out that frozen item for later instead of fretting at 4pm trying to figure out what is for dinner because everything is frozen. #3, if your kids are asking what is for dinner you can point to the menu. And #4 your husband can start dinner if you can’t.

Crock Pot Rice Pudding

1 cup rice
1 cube of butter
2 Qts milk
2 cups sugar

Mix all ingredients in the crockpot.
Cook on high until it boils then turn to low.
Cook at least 8 hours string once or twice throughout the 8 hour period.
When finished, serve with icecream or whipping cream.

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 240 minutes
Servings: 4