Thursday, October 18, 2007

Whats next...

Everybody's got to have something to look forward to and here's mine!! The CS3 Creativity seminar (Photoshop class) I am so excited they are coming to seattle again and this time I'm pretty sure I'll be there!! Another Seminar I'm looking forward to is "Time out for Couples" coming to the Tacoma Convention Center! I'm just furthering my education in every way I can... right now I'm taking a crash course in DR.MOM 101... yea I wasn't realy planning on taking it but... what can ya do. It's realy quite sad that my guinea pig paitents have had it so bad, but I'm doing my best at taking care of them and learning what I can along the way! keep them in your prayers!

1 comment:

Kaela said...

I want to take those classes with you! The photoshop one in particular. Keep us posted on the highlights of those courses:)