Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Boys...

These are a few portriats of the boys they are growing up for sure!!

We miss everyone and I wish that you could all be here to enjoy the Love's of my life and all of the fun and priceless everyday moments... but as we are away the heart grows fonder and we cherish the time we do get to be with all of you even more!!

All our love!


Hatch Family said...

I can't believe how big they are! They are darn cute boys!

Kaela said...

I love Maxwell's hair, and Cody's of course. I think I need you to give me a crash course in cutting boys hair. I have botched Kaden's a few times already. C-U-T-E pictures!

Taryn said...

wow they are getting so big! such a family you have! cute!

Lindsey said...

I love the behind shot with Maxwell looking up at Cody!! so cute!!

Anonymous said...

Shelbi: your kids are so beautiful! Your son needs to be a model for something...his eyes are so perfect....I am amazed every time I see his pictures. What cute kids and a wonderful mom to love them!

Ethatch said...

Shelbi--I LOVE the pic. of your boys walking in the grass. The little guy looking up to his big brother, the big guy taking the little one by the hand--priceless! What a cute family you have1
Marge Thatcher