Saturday, March 22, 2008


A Clean Home is a Happy Home!!

With my entire home well on it's way to organizational bliss, here are shots of the Loft: my office, workspace, design center. Here We just installed these new upper cupboards. I haven't added all the design elements that I would like but the beautiful capacity to have a place for everything and everything in their place brings equisite joy to me with each pass through. I have installed extra space to the pantry, 3 closests and the Laundry area. it's pretty amazing. for lack of time to blog about it all now here is the LOFT:


Kaela said...

Wow! It looks great!! SO organized and SO inviting. I love the bright color you used. That light, bright, and fresh green is especially appropriate for the beautiful, yet sometimes gloomy Seattle area. {Don't get me wrong- you know Seattle's my FAVORITE city ever :) } It would be hard to be in a bad mood in that room. Love it and can't wait to see the rest!

Lindsey said...

that area looks great! I love the upper cabinets! Good job!

Amanda said...

It looks amazing! I dream of organizing my spaces, but I usually fall pretty short. Kudos to you!

Heidi B. said...

I love the new cabinets!! You are inspiring. I have been thinking about how I can be more organized because it looks so great. I miss you and hopefully we can figure out a time to hang out soon.