
Friday, June 08, 2018


I have been on Ridalin and Adderall both with end of the day side effects that are typical of taking the medication... the day is great and then as the medication wears off the end of the day... is terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I started a ketogenic diet in February and have been feeling alot better mentally, brain fog, and concentration. I tried to take the medication spuraticlly after a few months of wonderful effects (I hate the though of being addicted to the medication) and changed to Adderall at the beginning of the year to help with side effects... since I was feeling better I started weaning myself off of the adderall... at first I was feeling soooooo tired... it's hard to even know how I was feeling because it's hard to focus. but it's been a few weeks now and 2 weeks with ZERO Aderall and I can see how I'm going to be ok... it's not perfect but no "medication type side effects" it's nice to be able to focus and blast through my day... but I'm feeling better than I was before i began the medication and I'm hopeful, that, without the medication in my system, that with the new changed I will be able to better feel the positive benefits (if there are any) and attribute them to the new changes)

It would be hard to deal with side effects and move forward with new treatment at the same time!!

Dr. Jensen and Kristin(Tyroid Doctor) "my team" as both told me that as I begin these protocals and nutritional changes that I will begin feeling the " side effects" that are associated with my medications. That will be how I will know that my body is beginning to work for it's self and will no longer need the medications as currently prescribed. 

I'm glad that I have one less medication to worry about and feeling positive about the changes in the future!!!!!!!

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