
Friday, June 08, 2018

learning more and finding doctors

As I stated in my last post... I had a big fasting and praying revelation: I found two new doctors...
I didn't know what to look for, but I was insipred to do a search on podcast for thyroid  and ended up chooing a podcast from a lady who does thyroid therapy in Colorado... When I heard her talk I felt I needed to connect with her. I felt good about her and talking with her confirmed that.. in 30 minutes of talking she felt my end to these medication would come in as little as 6 months to a year or 2, and then she felt we could heal my body...

this was awesome.

learning about taking medication is terrible. Our body builds us immunity and soon we slowly have to increase.. I had already had to do this with my Zoloft and didn't like that fact... but I did like the results... but...
I still wasn't me, I knew deep inside that I can be more, I can get to the place what I know that God needs me to be!!
I know that I can be a better person not just for myself, but for my family, community and world.

at this point I am pretty much useless when it comes to working at my kids school, or serving in church, or serving in the community. It's crazy I used to be able to do practically anything... I have learned that to function at my best level now it's best if I do as little as possible... HELLO that is totally NOT me!! But It's a survival mode that is helping me be my best self right now and I have made it to this point as well as I can doing only what I feel absolutely inspired to do... not what I THINK to do, not what is asked of me... but literally what I feel god is compelling me to do. If I do more than that I go to full on combustion mode... If I do that without his help, It yields almost the same results....

Here I am learning that ... as I thought...
EVERYTHING in my body is connected...
there is help
there is an end to it
this journey is one many have traveled
my journey looks so similar to others (that was a huge comfort to me for some reason after feeling alone)
there was more to the story than i thought

And so I am in the same day I find this thyroid doctor, Lead to find another doctor, A "functional medicine doctor"

in 5 minutes of talking to me he proposes 2 new things I have never even heard of: he says you show 11 of the signs of undermethylation and Pyyrole Disease typically I test if I see 5 of the sympotoms... he talks to me and int he end he says" I'm almost sure you have undermethylation, there is overmethylation which is slightly similar but very uncommon. you also are almost for sure dealing with Pyyrole disorder. I'll run some tests because we won't know for sure without blood work."

fast forward 2 weeks and the tests come back." well I didn't expect this, you are one of those special people that is Overmethylated, this is so great. the treatment for this is so simple..."

i'm thinking what in the heck... "so great"? lol

he goes on " your other levels look like you also have pyyrole dissorder, it's treatment is safeenough that we can have you start the protocol and see how you feel. I didn't run the specific test because it's so expensive, but your levels of zinc etc show a high likely hood of this..."

so with a few supplaments I'll be starting in the next week, "my team" thats what I"m calling them together :)  thinks I will be able to start noticing big differences in a week or two... WHATTTTTTT thats crazy!!!

Overmethylation (Histapenia): Too much methyl (a carbon group with three hydrogen atoms). It is very active in the brain, and too much leads to “too much of a good thing.” This causes an overproduction of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine in the brain.  In many cases, high serotonin levels can cause psychological problems including reduced motivation, reduced libido, weight gain, and confusion.

Overmethylation Symptoms

Below is a list of possible symptoms that you may experience during overmethylation. Understand that overmethylation will not necessarily cause every single symptom on the list and that severity of each symptom is highly subject to individual variation.
  • ADHD: Those who are overmethylators may have attention deficits and may have been previously diagnosed with ADHD.
  • Anxiety: In some cases, the overmethylation can lead to increased levels of anxiety and susceptibility to panic attacks.
  • Artistic: Some sources have suggested a link between artistic and musical pursuits and overmethylation. Whether this is accurate is subject to debate.
  • Depression: Those with overmethylation may become depressed as a result of high levels of serotonin, lack of motivation, and accomplishment.
  • Dry skin: It has also been speculated that in those who are overmethylated tend to be more susceptible to bouts of dry skin.
  • Food sensitivities: If you are an overmethylator, you may notice that you are highly sensitive to certain foods and/or chemicals.
  • Frustration: Another sign among overmethylators is rampant frustration or becoming easily frustrated in seemingly benign situations.
  • High pain threshold: Unlike those who are poor methylators, overmethylation is associated with a higher pain tolerance.
  • Low libido: Another symptom of overmethylation is that of a decreased sex drive. They may be considerably less interested in sex than average.
  • Low motivation: The general tendency among overmethylators is that of deficient achievement in workplace or competitive settings. This is often a direct result of the motivational deficit that may be a byproduct of overmethylation. This is something that I have been experiancing recenlty that is POLAR oposite of how I have opperated growing up
  • Nervousness: This ties into the generalized anxiety that a person may experience as a result of the overmethylation.
  • Obsessions: Some have suggested that individuals with overmethylation may demonstrate clear obsessions, but they aren’t usually accompanied by compulsions.
  • Overweight: Those who are overmethylated may be more likely to pack on weight in part due to motivational deficits and depression.
  • Paranoia: Among those who are strongly affected by overmethylation, paranoid thoughts, and possibly auditory hallucinations may emerge.
  • Restless legs: Another possible symptom that you may experience if you’re dealing with too much methylation is restless legs.This is just beginning
  • Self-imposed isolation: Those who isolate themselves from others may do so in part as a result of depression and or anxiety from overmethylation.
  • Self-harm: Researchers believe that among those who commit acts of self-harm and mutilation, overmethylation tends to occur.
  • Sleep disorders: Those with sleep problems may be more likely to have overmethylation.

This was sooo crazy to read through it! It hit so many places SPOT on! I had been reading the undermethylation and thought I could have that because I hit so many markers there... I don't think that you can switch because from what I read methylation is a DNA connection and not changable but treatable with the right nutirents that you are deficient in, possibly I had the correct or higher nutrient levels in the past???? I'm not sure
Here are my Under methylation discoveries...

Undermethylation Symptoms

Keep in mind that if you are suffering from undermethylation, you may not experience every symptom on this list. There are different genetic polymorphisms of the MTHFR gene as well as other factors that may dictate your experience. Below is a collective list of symptoms that people with undermethylation tend to exhibit.
  • Addictions: Those who are considered undermethylators may be more likely to battle addictions and/or have addictive personalities.
  • Competitive: It is believed that many undermethylators are extremely competitive in sports, business, and other facets of life. Competition is a notable signal that a person may not have a sufficient methylation process.Always since borth till recently... 
  • Concentrative endurance: Some individuals who are suffering from undermethylation may have a difficult time maintaining focus for prolonged periods of time. In other words, their concentration ability may wane quicker than average.Growing up I coldn't even read a book cover to cover, it's only been in my adult hood during difficult times I have been able to read certain books, making it difficult to remmeber what I read or read scriptures for more than a few verses, reading outloud or listening to books on tape helped
  • Delusions: Certain individuals that fall into the undermethylation diagnosis may experience delusions or beliefs that aren’t based in reality. While these generally are not severe, then can interfere with the accuracy of a person’s perception of reality.
  • Headaches: Some researchers believe that undermethylation may cause physical symptoms such as headaches.
  • High achievement: One characteristic (rather than symptom) of people with low levels of methylation is that of accomplishment and achievement. Many individuals considered top athletes, CEOs, and professionals may be fueled in part by undermethylation.
  • High libido: A person may be highly interested in sex and/or have a higher than average “drive” compared to others.
  • Obsessive compulsive: Undermethylation may provoke symptoms of OCD or other obsessive tendencies. In fact, someone may actually get diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder as a result of their methylation deficiency.
  • Oppositional defiance: Another common finding is that those displaying signs of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) tend to also have undermethylation. While this isn’t a very common diagnosis, it is thought to be related to undermethylation.
  • Inner tension: While a person who is an undermethylator may appear to exhibit a calm demeanor, they may be filled with inner tension.
  • Low pain tolerance: Individuals with undermethylation tend to have a poor tolerance to any sort of pain.
  • Perfectionism: Another trait of undermethylators is that of perfectionism. They aren’t satisfied unless tasks are completed in accordance to their specific methodology. They may be intolerant to less-than-perfect outcomes.
  • Phobias: Certain phobias or irrational fears may be caused in part by undermethylation.
  • Ritualistic behavior: Those who are undermethylated may engaged in ritualistic behavior with rigid schedules. They may have specific daily rituals to which they must adhere.
  • Seasonal allergies: It has also been suggested that allergies may be stronger among undermethylators, particularly during seasonal transitions. This may be related to naturally elevated levels of histamine, leading to more pronounced reactions.
  • Self-motivated: A person who is undermethylated may be highly self-motivated in both school and work functions. They may not need any outside inspiration or encouragement to complete their work, they are fuelled internally by themselves.
  • Social isolation: Some individuals with undermethylation may isolate themselves from others and prefer to be left alone, especially during the completion of work.
  • Strong willed: Another characteristic that is found among those who are undermethylated is that of a strong will.
 Seeing so many checkmark I was sure I would fall where he thought that I would, but then learning about overmethylation I can see where It was spot on almost to a T the exact discription... I do believe that under methylation is somehow connected and these are all hereditary so I am excited to see where this discovery leads.

I am so excited to see how my small vitamin supplements may improve my symptoms, I'm trying not to be skeptical... it's hard though... but I've been very prayerful so I'm hoping that I am on the right track....

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