
Sunday, July 09, 2006

Cody and Daddy and the rally Monkey at the Mariners vs. Angels game in Seattle on July 3rd.

For the 4th of July we went up to our ward building that overlooks Lake Washington. We watched nearly 100 different peoples fireworks displays. The artierial (SP?) fireworks, the kind that shoot up and expolode are legal everywhere here so all sort of people were lighting them off we could see across Lake Washington to the other side and Nearly to Bellevue and saw all kinds of displays. It was very very Fun. Cody was saying "Oh M-Y G-O-S-H...LOOK AT THAT MOM" and turning in all directions. It was pretty fun.

1 comment:

  1. My how Cody has grown!! I miss you all sooo much!! I loved going through your blog again. I am so gratful to my Heavenly Father for your little family they really cheer me up!!
    Loves & Hugs
