
Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm a horrible "blogger"

So I figure that I will just do a vague update on what all the Owen family is up to and leave it at that untill something changes :)

The newest permanent addition to our family came in December "Maxwell Alexander Owen I" the name just sounds so sofisitcated that I call him "the first" But that kind of got to Cody becouse to him...he's the first. :) Cody just turned 4 and starts pre-K in a septmeber. My kids are the best and what ever time and energy they don't take away I spend on the Young Womans Program in Church, my Business SLO Photography and Design, shopping, cooking, cleaning, mowing the lawn, working on the yard or garden, babysitting for friends, walking/jogging (soon to be running) and more Young woman's stuff, date nights with Bry, and just starting is the girls night outs.

For now this is what I do and I sleep between 12-4:30 so I don't lack for things todo thats for sure.

Next week I'll put up some photos of my boys.


  1. yay! welcome back to blogging you blog slacker. ha ha. jk.

    i hope you keep it up. i'd love to read your posts and see pics on a regular basis!

  2. You are beautiful! I'm so glad you've joined the blogging world- I love your blog:)
