Thursday, May 15, 2008

So... I posted about school pictures a while back.... I did decide to get them and to say the least I am glad that I did. I can't imagine missing this little shot and Ihave been so busy lately that I haven't done a photo run with the boys as I should have.

Yes he is 4...four...cuatro.

And heres his little class. In the indoor gym.


Anonymous said...

Sooo Cute!! That's why school pics are worth it.

Kaela said...

What a cute, cute picture!! He really does look older than four. He's not a TON taller than everyone, though he is taller, but even his face looks older. Looks like he has a nice teacher and some good classmates. It also looks like the perfect amount of kids for a classroom:)

Holly said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow! Now that is a diverse group of children. What a great opportunity for Cody, of course the most adorable child in the pic!! His hair is the cutest.I cant waitr to spend a whole week with him & Max!!!

Gramy Lynda said...

Wow! Now that is a diverse group of children. What a great opportunity for Cody, of course the most adorable child in the pic!! His hair is the cutest.I cant waitr to spend a whole week with him & Max!!!

Lindsey said...

Such a cute pic of Cody!! It makes me want to sign Jenna up for pre-school right now, just to get a school pic. :) It looks like Cody has a fun class as well!

Alexander said...

Holy Cow, he is so big and old. We are getting old aren't we.? Cute family.

Linford Family said...

It's crazy to think you have a kid so big! My wife and I think he is really cute. We are planning on our kids being that cute if everything works out. Hopefully we won't have to resort to plastic surgery...

Mindy said...

Wow, I can't believe how different Cody looks. He is so adorable. I absolutely love his hair.