
Thursday, May 15, 2008

So... I posted about school pictures a while back.... I did decide to get them and to say the least I am glad that I did. I can't imagine missing this little shot and Ihave been so busy lately that I haven't done a photo run with the boys as I should have.

Yes he is 4...four...cuatro.

And heres his little class. In the indoor gym.


  1. Sooo Cute!! That's why school pics are worth it.

  2. What a cute, cute picture!! He really does look older than four. He's not a TON taller than everyone, though he is taller, but even his face looks older. Looks like he has a nice teacher and some good classmates. It also looks like the perfect amount of kids for a classroom:)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Wow! Now that is a diverse group of children. What a great opportunity for Cody, of course the most adorable child in the pic!! His hair is the cutest.I cant waitr to spend a whole week with him & Max!!!

  5. Wow! Now that is a diverse group of children. What a great opportunity for Cody, of course the most adorable child in the pic!! His hair is the cutest.I cant waitr to spend a whole week with him & Max!!!

  6. Such a cute pic of Cody!! It makes me want to sign Jenna up for pre-school right now, just to get a school pic. :) It looks like Cody has a fun class as well!

  7. Holy Cow, he is so big and old. We are getting old aren't we.? Cute family.

  8. It's crazy to think you have a kid so big! My wife and I think he is really cute. We are planning on our kids being that cute if everything works out. Hopefully we won't have to resort to plastic surgery...

  9. Wow, I can't believe how different Cody looks. He is so adorable. I absolutely love his hair.
