Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's so funny to me to post this, but I am anyways...I just framed a picture of my baby's "bottom". Anyways...the others don't prove that the child is even human. From every picture it looks like it will be a visit from an extra terestrial. Not a very good utra sound, but it was clear and eveident that IT'S A BOY. Cody and Maxwell are every excited to hear the news... Cody had fun as the tech pointed out toes, head, heart, spine and Peeper.(thats what we call it). My boys are ALL boy and I love every minute of it. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of this precious little gift from God.


Mike Laughead said...

Congrats on another boy. You guys make cute kids so keep pumping them out.

Hatch Family said...

Yahoo! Did you ever announce you were having another baby?? I sure missed that one! Congrats!

Ali said...

Congratulations Shelbi!!! Wow, are you going to have your hands full. Of course, if anyone can handle it, you can! You and Bethany sure are mirroring each other:) So fun!

Lindsey said...

Hooray you updated! Congrats on boy #3, we are so happy for you guys :)

Crawfords said...

I to love having two boys. It is so fun and I am sure the 3rd one will only make it that much more fun. Congrats and good luck on the pregnacy.

Mindy said...

Wow, lots of new information. Wow, congratulations on a new baby coming. Wow, 3 boys. Well, at least you don't have to buy new stuff. HEhehe.

Keri said...

This is perfect - you have all boys, and we'll have all girls, and then they can date each other! The holidays were crazy but things are starting to slow down so we should get together soon! That is, if you're not totally wiped out from growing a human.

Kaela said...

Congratulations on your THIRD boy!! I would love to have three boys. I think I might even be a little disappointed if I don't.... though I do want a girl or two some day. Congratulations though Shelbi- so excited for you!!

Bethany said...

Congrats! I'm sure you are excited. I know I am excited to be having my third boy. Apparently, it's all the rage!!! Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy and congrats again!

Erin said...

Congratulations Shelbi, having three boys myself I can tell you it is wonderful!

Jaime said...

Shelbi, I didn't even know you were expecting! That is so great! I love all your new posts! Keep them comming. What boy names do you like for this little one?

Harmon's said...

I didn't know you were expecting either. Congrats..can't wait to see what you name it.