Monday, January 19, 2009

We made smooties for breakfast this morning. As you can see maxwell tried to enjoy every last drop but in turn ended up saving a few drops for a Raspberry & Peach Facial Mask. Cody on the otherhand didn't spare one drop and his was gone in record time. Hope this little picture made you did me!


Gramy Lynda said...

Yum! Looks Good! If Grandpa saw that he would want to lick your face!I just want to eat you nose at least for an appetizer

Lindsey said...

This made Jenna and I laugh, thanks for sharing! She said "look at all that Jelly!" :)

Mallory said...

HOW CUTE! love you maxie!

Kristin said...

The first thing I think of when I see this photo is a mini-caption that says, "I'm Maxwell! I'm two!"
I love the updates...please keep them coming! :)

Kaela said...

That looks de-lish! He could be the poster boy for some smoothie company:) So cute!!!