Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Boys Enjoying the SUN!

So everytime the sun is out so like once every 6-9 weeks Cody says it's so sunny can I get hte pool out? NO, the answer is always the same, but today since the temp was 59 degrees outside I figured I'd let them run through the sprinkler. So here they are! They had so much fun! I HATE RAIN!!
Would someone please remind me what the heck I'm doing living in seattle?


Ali said...

59 degrees?? BURR. That is "stay inside, it's freezing outside" weather here. Funny how you acclamate to the weather you are living in. Ironic too that I begged Jeff to work for the Satellite office for this firm in Seattle. The grass is always greener :) The boys look like they are having a BLAST! Thanks for all your sweet notes and prayers for Evan, by the way. They were always so thoughtful and helped:)

Holly said...

Holy cow! Look how big your boys are!

Chelsi said...

yeah you updated you blog. Your boys are so cute. Can't wait to see the next one. I am jealous you are almost done that is so exciting. Maybe one day we'll get a little girl!! HA HA!!

Anonymous said...

It's a chilly 85 degrees here. Too bad! I have to say no to the kids too when they want to go to the beach. It's just way too cold here in California. (hehe!)

Mindy said...

Wow, Max is so big (that's his name right? I get that whole batch of boys born mixed up). I have to say I don't miss the rain, but I do miss how beautiful it is there, and all the great outdoor stuff you can do.

Lindsey said...

What a fun day!! We too have been soaking up whatever little sun we have been getting :) This whole weekend is suppose to be sunny though, no rain! Hooray!
These April showers had better not only bring May flowers but May sunshine!

Gramy Lynda said...

Ill bet the did more running around than getting wet. 59'is not as cold as the whatever degree the water is!!

I love qll the smiles. Not enough pictures of mommy though!!

"Loving it in Utah seeing your Blog!"

Grandma L.